by The Tiny Optimist
Robin Butler, Founder of NOAH RDI and Bonnie Butler, President, are holding a Round Robin Auction ending Sunday May 16th at the Great American Tiny House Show.
Auction Rules
No pre-qualification is necessary to bid. All bidders are welcome!
1. If you wish to be included in the bidding process, then provide the following:
o Your name
o Your contact number(s)
o Your preliminary bid.
2. All preliminary bids must be in multiples of $500 and can be left at any time prior to 5 pm Sunday.
3. The bidding will be open. We will tell anyone the status of the bids at any time.
4. Every bidder will have the opportunity to top the current bid until the highest & best bidder is established.
5. The Scandinavian 32 will be sold to the highest & best bidder in round-robin bidding by telephone Sunday evening starting 6pm. To enter the round-robin bidding you must leave a bid for the home, before 5 pm Sunday.
6. When the round-robin bidding begins, we will telephone the highest bidder prior to the round-robin bidding first to give them the opportunity to make the first bid.
7. The next highest bidder will get the second telephone call, and so on down the list until all bidders have been called.
8. Every bidder will have the opportunity to top the high bid until the final highest bidder is established. Bids during this round, must be $200 apart. Each time you receive a call, you have 3 options:
Raise the high bid by $200 or more in multiples of $200
Stay at your current bid
Quit the bidding process
9. If there is more than one bid at the same level, the earliest bid will be honored.
10. The highest/best bidder will be offered the Scandinavian 32 at their bid price.
11. A 5% deposit will be required and collected from the highest bidder within 24 hours after the completion of the round-robin bidding.
If the highest/best bidder does not meet the conditions of the terms-of-sale or fails to provide credible ability to purchase the tiny home, the tiny home will immediately be offered to the second highest/best bidder at his/her final bid price. If this bidder is unable or unwilling to purchase the TINY HOUSE, the third-highest bidder will be contacted.
See the Tiny House in Booth 533 May 15 & 16 @Prime Osborn Convention Center. Tickets on sale now! www.GreatAmericanTinyHouse.Show/Tickets